
Saying Bye to a Friend, Sister, and Mentor

Dear Linds,

Hey friend. I got to say this kills methinking about how you're going to be so far away. Its kind of funnycause I've been encouraging you to go to Cali all along haha.Anyways. It will be different for me not having you within drivingdistance. No more times of you picking me up from school, no morecoming up to see me when I'm sad. Linds your an amazing person. I'mso excited for the journey God has placed you on. I know your goingto do great things; I mean you already have in my life. I know Ialways joke around saying I'll find myself a new Lindsay, buthonestly no one will ever be able to measure up to you. No one I haveever met has put this amount of time investing in me. I don't knowwhat you see in me, but I am forever grateful to have you as myfriend.

I know this isn't goodbye forever, butits goodbye for a long time. That makes me sad. But who knows maybeIll go to college at San Diego Christian with you(; Haha, I'mthinking about all the fun times we've had together. The first time Imet you and we had a deep talk about God and Jesus, and I was sonervous to met you I didn't eat and you called me anorexic lol. OrRevolve Tour this year where you helped me accomplish one of mydreams to be on the Revolve stage in front of everyone. And then thepen in your car... opps. HAHA. All the amazing talks we've had onskype. Our longboarding journeys together, and me praying that youdidn't fall and kill yourself going down that hill near your house(:Then when we would play basketball even though you hate it, but didit cause you know I love it. The time I made you planking in targetand strangers yards. Or one of the BEST moments in my LIFE havingdinner with Tiffany Thurston!!!!!! Then recently our journey to Cali.My first time. Our sassy pants together being tired beyond anythingand whining at each other. But having an amazing time at BecomingTour. I am totally going again this year with you! Gosh some of thebest moments in my life(: Thank you for supporting me! I love youfriend.

Then some of the darkest moments in mylife. Tylers death, Nicks parents divorce, Kates death. When I toldyou I no longer believed in God, and you texted me Hebrews 11:1. Orwhen I relapsed and found myself in a depression after finding outabout the divorce and you comforted me and told me that you stillloved me. Then when my friend tried to kill herself and I was at oneof the lowest points, and you called me and talked me out of cutting.And recently when I was tempted to cut again, and you drove 3 hoursto be by my side and make me feel better. Lindsay not many peoplewould do that for someone. I'm so BEYOND blessed to have you in mylife. If everyone involved in youth ministry was like you, a lot morekids would be saved. You've pushed me like no one else has, in a goodway. You have grown me to become stronger in my faith.

No one in this whole universe, besidesGod, knows me better than you do. You literally know all my secrets,and things not even my best friends know. Yet you still love me andaccept me. That's still crazy to me. You SHOW Jesus! Member when weskyped and I told you something that my mom didn't even know becauseI thought “i will never met you anyway” haha I was off a little(:Your heart is so beautiful, WAY more than your appearance. I don'tknow why God put the two of us together. We're the complete oppositein every way, but click so perfectly. No one will ever come close tobeing the mentor you are to me. I'm so excited for the journey youare embarking on! I'm praying for you. Linds your going to be thebest youth pastor in the world!!!!!! Love you more than theworld!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- K.