

So Homecoming was last weekend...

I have to say I was really excited to go this year. Last year I went with my friends, but this year I went with my boyfriend. I dont know how old you are, or how your homecomings were like, so ill try to explain mine to you.

Every is grinding, I mean EVERYBODY! There is a huge crowd in the center where all the kids huddle around and dance in. On the outsides, like near the corner of the gym, or the people who one cant dance or two dont want to dance. I was somewhere in the middle.

I am a christian, as many of you are, so grinding isn't something we should be doing. I knew this going into the dance but once I arrived its like everything I thought going into the dance erased.Within the first three minutes I was grinding with my boyfriend. After an hour we went to get a drink. But I had this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, I cant explain it. I remember just wanting to run away and go cry to my friend Vickey.

I went into the dance with the best intentions, Gods wants. But during the dance I gave into the pressure of my peers. I saw everyone doing it, so i did. I was very disappointed in myself. In the cafeteria I told my bf that I didnt want to grind anymore, and you know what? We didnt! and I can honestly say we had an amazing time. We still danced, but not that type. We still had fun, even with Jesus approval.

I know sometimes seeing everyone else doing it make you want to fit in, and do it. But the thing is, we can't just give into the peer pressure. It is so easy to just go along with everyone, but it takes strength and courage to stand up and do what Jesus wants you to. Being a teenager we are faced with an overwhelming pressure to do bad things. I know you have felt it. But know this, not EVERYBODY is doing it, there are other people in your school that have your same values. I previously mentioned my friend Vickey. I have only known her for 3 weeks, but we are already really close friends. She is someone I look up to. Vickey is a senior at my school, but also a very strong Christian. Her and I have been through a lot of the same struggles and going to her is so easy for me now. What I am saying is you need to surround yourself with people who will tempt and encourage you to do the right thing - what Jesus would do.

"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20