
How to deal with Stress

Today I am going to talk about how to deal with stress. I am not a master at dealing with stress, not at all, but I do have an opinion on this subject. 
For one, I see too many of the people I love who are stressed out – I guess that’s why I wanted to talk about this. Sometimes even if you love your job, you can still find yourself being stressed out. Yes, even if you love your job! But, what matters is how you react to the stress.
Sometimes stress can be good. Maybe the stress of having to finish your task actually motivates you to finish it. But not all the time even that type of stress can be good. For example, you have a huge goal you have to meet by the end of the month and this goal seems impossible. So you stop all activities you have had planned, ignore your outside life, and totally %100 give your all to completing it. That is bad stress.
Stress isn’t supposed to be a blocker to our outside life. If you get in the habit of needing to complete the tasks to save your job, and blocking your life, this is when you will find yourself lost. If you continually push-off your life for your job, you will never be happy.
First I think you need to understand why you feel you need to finish your task. Let’s use the previous example; so you’re ignoring all outside life, and you feel like this is the only way you will be able to complete it. You can’t have outside distractions or you won’t complete it efficiently or effectively – well that’s what you tell yourself. But then you end up getting lost, you start getting easily angered,  and very impatient with your loved ones. Stop right here, why do you feel you need to finish this task? Is it because you want to keep your job, or pay the bills? If so, why do you feel you need to keep your job? Is it because you want to have a house for your loved ones, or be able to provide for your family? If so, then why are you letting the stress of your job hold you back from your loved ones.
What I am saying is that your job should always come second to anything you are doing for, you, your family, and the most important thing, God. Remember this when you are feeling stressed out.
Another point I want to make, in 50 years, after you retire, what will you have left? Will it be your job? Or will it be friends and family? Whatever is happening right now won’t matter in the future.
Not only can stress deter you from your friends, family and God, it can also cause serious health issues like
So my blog today was called “How to deal with Stress” so I think I should make a list of ways to deal with stress lol.
One- do something you love. Maybe it is a sport, or hanging out with your friends, do that because that will help you get your mind off it
Second- think positive.
Negative                                               Positive
Third- when you get to a stressful point in your day, or just are feeling really stressed out try to do this,
·    Count to 10 before you speak.
·    Take three to five deep breaths.
·    Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you'll handle it later.
·    Go for a walk.
·    Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" if you make a mistake.
·    Set your watch five to 10 minutes ahead to avoid the stress of being late.
·    Break down big problems into smaller parts. For example, answer one letter or phone call per day, instead of dealing with everything at once.
Fourth-  have a time during the day were you relax. During this time, don’t do anything, don’t think, just relax. Maybe this time is before you sleep and you’re praying or reading your bible.
Last- PRAY. God will help you if you ask, ask him to help you see the positive in situations. God is an amazing stress reliever, use HIM!

1 comment:

  1. Cool post! I agree. There's something I always tell myself, a promise I make to myself: "I will never get too busy for the people I love post and certainly NOT for God. Relationships come first: family, friends, especially God!" And it's really helped me prioritize. Good grades are good and so's a good job but only God can give those and only He gives rest! All the more reason to put Him first!
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