
Go after your Dreams

In this day and age many people grow up having dreams. I remember going to Disney World when I was a kid, and every time I left I remember feeling that this moto was true, “All my dreams could come true”.

Maybe when you were little you had a dream. Maybe it was being a princess, or perhaps when you were older it was owning your own company. I am sure you can think of one time were you had a dream. And for that one moment when you were a little kid, in my case after going to Disney World, it felt as though you could accomplish it, and actually could have all your dreams come true. 

But then... you got older. You came to recognize that those dreams were realistically impossible, and too hard to accomplish. You realized that getting to those dreams, of owning your own business, helping the poor, or becoming an author, is harder then you thought. You realized it would take a lot more work and effort, and it wouldn’t just magically appear when you got older. Then you even came to realize this painful reality, that even if you give it your all and work hard, that may not even be enough to make your dreams come true.

Most of us stop right there. We realize that our dreams seem impossible. We can now see the reality of our dreams, and how unrealistic they are in accomplishing. You let negative thoughts of doubt ruin your imagination, “I can’t own my own Christian teen girl conference, no, it may fail, it will be too hard, I don’t have enough money, enough resources, what if no one goes to it?" So what do we do?  We let our doubts set in, and we decided not to take any steps in accomplishing our dreams. But why?

If we really want our dreams to come true then why not go after it? If we really want to accomplish something why not take the hard route in life, and take the steps we need to get to our goal. For some of us though we find ourselves to comfortable in our position now. Maybe it’s the job you’re at, it is a sturdy job, you may not be the happiest there, “but it’s paying the bills” you tell yourself. We think that “paying the bills” is enough. But is it really? God is saying “No, you shouldn’t stop at comfortable, you should do hard things, for Me”. Jesus didn’t take the easy way out, no He took the hard route and ended up saving you and me.

God gave you many gifts when you were born. Maybe you are good at talking to people, or maybe you’re good at writing, whatever it is, God gave you those gifts for a reason. Do you think he wants you to sit around at work all day, every day? I don’t think so, I think he gave us those gifts so we can use them!

“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord “plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

We have dreams for a reason, they are so we can imagine something we want. So that in turn will give us the boost we need to go out and accomplish them. He has huge plans for your life, and your dreams! I have a question I want you to think about, are you going to allow God to help you accomplish his big plans for you, or are you going to stop Him and sit around at your job?

I am challenging you today, to first, write down your goals on a piece of paper. Second, below them I want you to write steps you can take to accomplish them; after that pray about it, ask if that’s were God wants you now. Then, the last thing, if God is saying yes, I want you to go out and take those steps needed to accomplish them.

“Often people attempt to live their lives backwards. They try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.” ~ Margaret Young ~

“Unless you start doing something different, you are in for more of the same.” ~ Author Unknown ~

“Go confidently in the direction of your Dreams. Live the life you've imagined!” ~ Henry David Thoreau ~

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