
Hi God...

Just a prayer I feel like I've been saying, I don't know how to pray "right" but I know my God hears and doesn't need fancy words for Him to understand me(:

Dear God,

You know the struggles I'm facing. You know the worries that are taking over my mind. But God I don't get why I can't just let it go and trust you. I know you're God almighty and can do anything, but its so hard for me to let go, and let you work father. Sometimes I feel like I can trust you lord, but I cant trust people. How do I know they won't turn their backs on me? How do I know if what I'm doing is in your plan? God I wish I knew your plans, but I'm just a little speak and don't have the knowledge and wisdom you have. Father could you shot some of your precious wisdom down to me? I love you Jesus. Thank you so much for dieing for a sinner like me. I try my best to live for you than myself but its so hard sometimes. Is what I'm doing for  you? I mean I know I'm helping people and all but I'm not teaching them about YOU! Isn't that why I'm here? To spread your love? God what if everyone turns there back on me and no one likes me anymore? How can i go through high school living like that? Would you let that happen to me God? I'm so small, could what I be doing make a difference? I know I've helped a lot of people, but why are their still people hating. It makes me wonder if what I'm doing is right. I'm so scared of the future and what it holds but you tell me in Jeremiah not to worry about the future because what ever it is, it's in my best interest.Father, I'm sorry for my sins please forgive me I ask this in Jesus's holy name. I love you sooooo much. Thank you for this day and the family you've blessed me with. Please Jesus, Help me.

In Jesus name I pray,

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