

In school I swear I have been taught; “don't judge a book by its cover” a million times- whether it be my 8th grade or 9th grade English teacher teaching the subject. Everyone say's it, but no one does it. The same was true with me.

Before I started this facebook account, ( I started an account for our school to encourage people, and help them realize their worth and aren't alone) I looked at the school, I saw the people I liked, and the people I didn't like. The people I didn't like, I judged- maybe it was something they said about me, or something I heard about them, that made me to not like them. I didn't know them. I didn't know there struggles, I just looked at them and saw what I thought about them, my judgments.

The same may be true about you too. You have the people you like, and don't like. But the people you dont like, I have a question. Do you make fun of them? Do you talk behind there back to your friends? Do you start rumors about them? Do you give them dirty looks? Do you roll your eyes? I hope not. But, I know most of you do, and sometimes I'm guilty of it to. The thing is, that's why life, our jobs, our schooling is messed up -because we judge people.

Have you thought of their feelings when you give them dirty looks? Or talk behind their back? They feel the same emotions as you do, it hurts them. They don't like it when people are being mean to them, just as much as you do.

Another thing you don't know is them. This is the biggest lesson i've learned from this facebook account -YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE STRUGGLING WITH! The first person I helped told me she wanted to kill herself because of bullies. You know what? I was someone that didn't like her, I didn't make fun of her, but we definitely weren't the best of friends. But, I was blessed to have gotten to help her -I will never look at her in the same way.

You don't know what's behind every smile. Your co-worker could be struggling with divorce. Or maybe they're in an abusive relationship. Maybe they gossip about how others look, because they grew up and everyday their mom told them they were ugly. What if they were molestead as a kid and now don't know how to trust anybody, not even you at work. My point is the people you see everyday, and judge, you don't know them. You don't know their past or their struggles.

“Never judge a book by it's cover”

Their cover is just a mask of what's truly on the inside.

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