
25 Reasons Why I Love Lindsay Closson

25 reasons isn't enough for me to start to explain to you how much I appreciate you -but it's a start to your awesomeness. Hehe. Let me begin...

1) I can tell you anything and you won't be shocked.
2) If I'm way out of line, you tell me, and when I'm doing a good job, you tell me that too.
3) You send me encouraging texts at just the right moments(:
4) You make room for me in your life, even when your life is crowded and busy. (SO grateful for that)
5) I admire your self-control: You actually think before you speak. *Cough*
6) No one else gives me the total attention you do, when I have a problem or just need to talk.
7) You know my dark side and I know yours. No judgments there.
8) Somtimes you give me tough love when I really need gentle love- but I know that's because you're worried and care about me.
9) There are a few things from my past and you're the only one who knows about them- but you don't hold them against me(:
10) You're better than a sister: No sibling rivalry!
11) You laugh at my jokes (most of the time(; )
12) You always know the right thing to say.
13) Sometimes you don't have time for me. That might make me sad or hurt for a while, but hey, you'll ALWAYS be back.
14) Your love for me is as unconditional, as mine is for you.
15) One hug from you is worth 10 from any other friend.
16) You never get clingy, but you don't mind if I occasionally do.
17) You are BRILLIANT and gives the world's most incredible advice.
18) Whenever we go somewhere, you drive. (and can i add shes amazing at it)(;
19) You are always looking out for other people and helping in every way you can. You constantly give of yourself, and have taught me SO MUCH about selflessness and serving.
20) You're an amazing person of Christ and have helped me grow a lot spiritually
21) You tells me when I'm wrong, or when I'm being stupid, which helps me see things more clearly.
22) You always listen to me even if it's hard for me to say it.
23) You always make me smile(:
24) You are awesome at modeling but you're different than the other models, because you're not stuck up, mean, and dramaful, you're nice, kind, and caring.
25) I love how we communicate so well (refer back to number 11(; )

You're the best 28 year old friend a girl can have, hehe. Love you, friend.

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