
From Good to Great

For years I've been told by numerous coaches and players that I'm a good basketball player. But what makes me good? Why do they say I'm good? What is good? Is good, being average? How do I become great? How can I set myself apart from the other good players? How can I improve? This relates to us as Christians. Where all good Christians we pray we go to church every sunday. But how do we become the GREAT christian God wants us to be? That's a hard question to anwser. Relating back to basketball, the only way I can become the great player i want to be, is to practice. Maybe that's how we can become a great christian. We practice. Practice being patient. Practice helping people. Practice praying. I know that sounds weird. But the next time your husband, kid, or friend is annoying you, PRACTICE being patient. Take a breath, and choose those words carefully(: Or the next time you see an old lady carrying groceries, get over there and help her! Don't sit, and watch. Or, when your television is on commerical, say hi to God. Just talk to him, tell him about your day, or something your worried about.The only way we can become a better christian, is to practice doing what is the RIGHT thing to do.

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