
My First "Sermon"

My first "sermon". Every year since I was born we would go with my church to camp harrmission. This camp is owned by the Methodist churchs, and can I add it so beautiful! It's in the middle of nowhere, but that's what makes it so calming. Anyway, my first paster was paster gale, she would always come up to harrmission with us, and do the Sunday service there. Are new paster, she not really new(5 years haha), Rev. Judy, didnt come camping, which meant no service! I wasn't really thinking this till Saturday. So I thought of this as a perfect opportunity to be the "paster". I know I want to get into ministry, but not become a paster. Anyway, so I asked the adults and they thought it was a perfect!! So I got writing, I decided that I couldn't do it alone so my friend Olivia pitched in. We went back and forth on the topic we wanted to talk about. It went from, spiritual things we pack while camping, then to stress, then to being thankful, but in the end we picked God's plan. I would have liked to have talked deeper in the sermon, but there where around 10 kids, so I didn't want to boar them. I started about talking about the camping, then we casually went into taking about Job. I spoke about what God had done, and then ended with a verse from Jeramiah.
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" after the sermon I said a simple prayer, then was the music(: my friend Kathleen brought her ipod so we picked "every move i make" and "if we are the body". It was great everyone was singing!! Except for these newer people to are church. The night before I heard the woman talking to mr.ken about how she never feels welcome at a church. The song "if we are the body" by casting crowns was perfect! Yet, I don't think she was really listening to the lyrics. Ha, I guess I can see why some pasters get frustrated. I really wanted to get my message across but you never no when you do... FRUSTRATION(: Well, hopefully ill be able to do it again.


  1. you did great! <3 i loved your sermon, i was amazed how God can be shown through anyone. i love you, great sermon <3
