
Gotta love Oprah

As I watched the last Oprah show, I was saddened. But that show, the last show, that was the best Oprah show I have ever scene. She talked with such wisdom. She made that room a church, she talked about God as if she was a preacher! As I watched the show i wrote down some quotes that I found inspiring. (Sorry if some you don't understand i was typing as fast as I could) (:

Use your life to change the world!!!

Nobody but you is responsible for your life.

Not feeling worthy enough to own the life you where created for

We often block are own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough, or smart enough, or pretty enough, or WORTHY enough.

Your worthy enough because you where born.

You alone are enough.

Do you see me, do you hear me, does what I say mean anything to you.. everybody wants to be heard.

Nothing but the hand of god has made this possible!

Be still and know it. (God is with you)

I wait and listen for the guidence that's greater than my medint (I think I spelled that wrong) mind.

God is love. God is life. Your life is always speaking to you.

What are the whispers in your life? And will you hear it?

Yellow brick road of blessings

"To god be the glory. " those where her final words. Oprah. Is. Amazing. I hope one day I'll be able to give and spread the word of the lord as she has. Thank you, Mrs. Winfrey(:

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