
Cyberbulling and Suicide

Word's hurt. If you can't say it to their face- Why does it make it right to type it? Typing it may make it seem less real to the writer but to the person receiving it, they're hurtful and insulting.

I just finished watching Cyberbulling on ABC, it was an amazing movie! I strongly urge you to watch it.

I'm writing this not just to bring awareness to this topic, but to share my stories. I've been bullied. My friends have been bullied. Everyone has been bullied.

Hear is some of my stories, of seeing people bully one another.

Look at her. Now look at her again! She is the person in my school, who get's bullied the most. Her name is Bridget. You know what I see when I look at this picture? I see someone lost, sad, miserable. She is different. She stands out. But, why does that give us a reason to bully her?

I couldnt go a day of school without hearing her name, and with her name said- bad words followed. People call her gay, weird, ugly, fat, smelly, gross and more. If you hear the name “Bridget Doyle” people would cringe at hearing the name. I don't know how this rumor started about her, but people started calling her gay. Saying she was dating this other girl in our grade. The other girl in our grade was her only friend. She than started telling people that she was gay. But, I turn to find out, that she isnt gay she just started saying she was so people would stop bugging her. You know how wrong that is? She believes so little of herself that she started believe the rumors going around.

I wish I had the guts to stick up for her, but I never did. But, you know what she gives me hope. I have never scene a person with so much courage. She never missed a day of school, being scared of the bullies. She always faced them.

But one thing that bugs me SO much, is the teachers. The teachers SEE her getting bullied and do nothing about it! Sometimes they allow it to happen because they also though she was “weird”, just cause she wore things most people wouldnt wear. Teachers its your JOB to report this, I hope you get fired. How can you tell us we need to report bullys if you cant yourself?

The next story I'm going to talk about is my story.

In 7th grade I started getting bullied online. It was actually over the playstation. I was playing a game and meet this guy named Darious. I became “in love” with him. But, all of a sudden he started calling me nasty names. Him and his friends started ganging up on me. I couldnt get of my playstation, I couldnt stop reading the things he was messaging me. So hurtful. I started to believe him. I was a slut, I was a dirty bitch, I was a whore. I never meet this guy, and he was making me believe things about myself that werent true. He would tell me he loves me one second then tell me I was a whore the next. Some where in between there, he got my #. Darious lives in my state. I remember him asking for a picture of me, when I sent it he would tell me I was beautiful. Then the next day say how ugly I was. My mom ended up finding out. I don't remember how it ended. But, I do remember one night. It was a dream I had. Darious found me. He started chasing me through my neighborhood with a gun. He was trying to kill me. That dream still scares me. I know it shouldn't. I remember so many sleepless night, crying. Feeling like know one cared, and the whole time I kept it all to myself.

The last story I'm gonna talk about is a boy named Eric. I never knew him, but here is his story.

Eric Mohat, 17, was harassed so mercilessly in high school that when one bully said publicly in class, "Why don't you go home and shoot yourself, no one will miss you," he did.
Now his parents, William and Janis Mohat of Mentor, Ohio, have filed a lawsuit in federal court, saying that their son endured name-calling, teasing, constant pushing and shoving and hitting in front of school officials who should have protected him.
The lawsuit -- filed March 27, alleges that the quiet but likable boy, who was involved in theater and music, was called "gay," "fag," "queer" and "homo" and often in front of his teachers. Most of the harassment took place in math class and the teacher -- an athletic coach -- was accused of failing to protect the boy.
The reality is bullying is KILLING people.
Innocent people.
Suicide is 3rd leading cause of death in 13-24 year old Americans...

To many of MY FRIENDS have tried to KILL themselves.
These PEOPLE are some of my BEST friends!!!!
If you're considering suicide, PLEASE realize there is someone who WILL miss you. If any of them would have been successful with their attempts I dont know what I would do. Please oh Please report people when you see things happening. You can save a life.

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