

"For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believith in him, shall not parish but have eternal life" -John 3:16

I think I'm not streching far when I say that's the most popular bible verse- because it is! During football games, people would hold up signs saying "John 3:16". You would see hundreds of them! Sometimes I wonder if they really understood the real meaning of this verse.

It's not just- God sent Jesus to die, and if we believe where saved. NO, it's more than that! It says "For God so LOVED the world". He didn't just love Jesus disciples, or his followers. He loved the people who killed Jesus on the cross! He loves everyone EQUALLY! "No one greater, no one smaller, by the payroll or the color of skin" -Jeanne Marie

"He gave his only begotten son" God is a parent, do you think it was easy for Him to let his son die? In the bible it says God looked away. He was so saddened by this event, he couldn't even watch! That's pretty powerful- to a God that can do anything. But in this line, there is a promise. A promise to us. The word "gave".  In modern english gave, means to give someone something. That's exactly what God did, He gave Jesus to us. But not only did he give him to us, he died for us. So now everytime you sin, you're forgiven! No matter what it is- because "For God so LOVED the world".

"That whoever believith in him shall not perish but have eternal life" I would be hard headed to say that everyone knows Jesus and everyone has him as their savior, because that's not true. This saddens me because they're giving up on this promise that God offers us. "Shall not perish". All you have to do is have faith, and if you have faith you're guaranteed "eternal life". Do you get how big that promise is? He is saying, even if you murder someone, even if you've raped someone, even if you've robbed someone- if you believe Jesus is you're savior, you're fogiven and guaranteed a spot in heaven. That is the reason why this verse is so popular. It's the guarantee. I leave you at this, if you're in sorrow about something- put it on the cross. If you're disappointed- leave it on the cross. If you're angry at someone- place it on the cross. Because the cross is where all sins die- because of the person who died on it first!

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